Private and Customized Training
In addition to the courses that we offer, you can also contact us to schedule private training or customized training for your group.
Do you need help with a topic beyond the scope of the P6 classes we offer, or customized P6 training for your group?
Do you need help creating BI Publisher reports?
Microsoft Office including Microsoft Excel
Excel formulas not working right?
Get help with Excel spreadsheets, workbooks and charts.
Perhaps you want to use Pivot Tables, but can’t because your data isn’t structured correctly? When you schedule private online training with an instructor, they can gear the instruction to help you with your specific project.
Are you using PowerPoint to create a presentation for e-learning?
Bring your project to your online class!
Learn from e-learning development and PowerPoint expert professionals!
Schedule time for an Adobe Certified Instructor to help you online with your creative project and learn at the same time.